msg MeSsaGe - Send a message with out parsing it Eg: /msg You can get your IP using cw Clear Warning - Clears the new message status of the window h ? Help - Basic in-chat help rmsf ReMove Special Friend - Remove a user from your list of "special" friends Eg: /rmsf (or just /rmsf dav) asf Add Special Friend - Add a user to your list of "special" friends Eg: /asf (or just /asf dav) time ti t Time - Prints the time date da Date - Prints the date brb Be Right Back - Sets your status to Be Right Back (with an optional message) Eg: /brb getting a snack busy Busy - Sets your status to Busy (with an optional message) Eg: /busy homework away Away - Sets your status to Busy (with an optional message) Eg: /away at a movie back Back - Returns your status to online and removes any message attached to your screen name (from /away, /busy and /brb) l ls ; List - List users online who's state is "online", "busy", "brb" or "on the phone". To see users who are "away", use '/l a' Note: "special friends" will always be shown, even if they are away i Invite - Invite a user to the active chat a Add - Add a user to your list Eg: /a b Block - Block a user. Eg: /b david r Remove - Remove a user Eg: /r david u Users - List users in the active chat n Nick - Change your screen name Eg: /n Wolever s State - Set your state to one of: nln: Online fln: Offline hdn: Appear Offline idl: Idle awy: Away bsy: Busy brb: Be Right Back phn: On the Phone lun: Out to Lunch Eg: /s phn ! Execute a shell command e Erase - Clear chat window termsize Termsize - Echos the terminal's size dump Dump - Dump the chat log to a file morse Mourse - Convert a message to mourse code Eg: /morse Hey profile Profile - Prints a link to your buddie's MSN members profile max_users Maximum Users - Prints the most users you've ever had online at once *** Keyboard shortcuts *** ^w Delete word back ^b Back one character ^f Forward one character Message history back Message history forward PgUP ^u Scroll text up PgDN ^d Scroll page down Tab ^n Next chat window ^p Previous chat window Home ^a Start of line End ^e End of line Alt-{0-9} Go to chat window X (where X is a number between 0 and 9) Alt-~ Go to the "main" chat window (0) Alt-b Move back one word Alt-f Move forward one word Alt-d Delete word forward